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Digital Readiness


How to ensure ongoing personal development

The role of business leaders continually evolves as a company grows. This means you need to ensure ongoing personal development and continually learn new skills knows Lisa Forde, Director of Dotty about Paper.

On top of that, you’re often limited in the amount of information you can share with other staff in the business. Peer networks and CEO coaching can help solve this problem.  

Networks normally bring together CEOs from similar size companies together, ensuring there’s a similarity in the issues they face, and small discussions are often held off the record.  

Coaches schedule regular meetings to tackle business challenges and help hold CEOs to account. Forde explained: “It can be a lonely place at the top. You don’t want to brainstorm about things that could be sensitive to staff. Having a coach makes me accountable for what I’m saying I’m going to do. They play devil’s advocate. I spend a lot more time planning than I used to do, that helps to make it more tactical.

Learn more how suppliers can influence business growth.

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